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VX2_3.7 to VX2_3.8 Updates
News:FLIPSKY VX2 pro has been upgraded from VX2_3.7 to VX2_3.8 . The main updates are as follows: 1. Replace the transmitter antenna.2. Optimize the pairing algorithm.3. Optimize the communication algorithm.4. Add signal strength indicator. The receivers and remotes of VX2_3.7 to VX2_3.8 cannot...
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Dual fsesc4.20 smart--An ESC you must own
Diy electric skateboard adventurers, we have talked about the difference between Dual FSESC4.20 SMART and Dual FSESC4.20 Plus in this blog last time: friends have tried the dual fsesc4.20 smart and highly praised it.We appreciate all your trust and support.  “If the existing...
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VX3_V1.2 to VX3_V1.4 Updates
News:FLIPSKY VX3 has been upgraded from VX3_V1.2 to VX3_V1.4.  Updates below: 1.Pairing Optimized Changed from a single pairing channel to a random pairing channel. Optimized the pairing process and increased the step judgment of the pairing process. Optimized the pairing sequence to increase...
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