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PPM Control 1.Select PPM in remote setting "Control Type". 2.Remote enter into pairing .PPM wire connect to receiver, and pairing succeed. 3.Setting in VESC TOOL:"General"-App to Use"PPM"-Write in.Setup Input-PPM input-Next.Throttle calibration-Next-Finish. 4.PPM control mode does not show real-time data. UART...
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1.After upgrading the firmware of 75 series ESC to the latest 5.3 firmware, set the "Phase Enable Filters" selection to: FALSE, according to the following figure, and write in at the same time, and go to the next automatic parameter...
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Mini FSESC4.20 Mini FSESC6.7 Voltage 8~60V(3~12S safety) 14V-60V(4~12S safety) Max Continuous Current 50A 70A Instantaneous Current 150A 200A ERPM 60000ERPM 150000ERPM Driver DRV8302 DRV8303 Current Sampling Resistor Two 1mR domestic manganese copper resistors Three 0.5mR imported manganese copper resistors Mosfet...
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Since our VX1 is loved by many electric skateboard enthusiasts, we have upgraded it to VX1 pro. Here is a comparison of the two, the same is in black, and the red is the difference: VX1 PRO-Remote&Receiver VX1-Remote&Receiver Outlook...
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Dual Mini FSESC6.7 / Dual FSESC6.7 Plus/ Dual FSESC6.7 comparision are as follows: Photo Continuous current Single70A,total 140A Continuous 100A single, total 200A Continuous 100A single, total 200A Instantaneous current Instantaneous current 200A per single, total 400A Instantaneous current 400A...
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