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It is necessary to change the bearings of the wheels sometimes, because not all trucks and wheels are perfectly matched. Today, we will take 6 "ATM off road wheels and 15" DKP trucks as an example to teach you how...
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1. First please check if there is problem with the charger. Check method: power on and measure the output voltage to see if it equals to the output voltage noted in the charger. 2. Circuit problem: Loose thread leads to poor connect,...
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News:FLIPSKY VX3 has been upgraded from VX3_V1.0 to VX3_V1.2. Updates below: 1.The throttle accuracy has been optimized. VX3_V1.0 throttle calibration interface:The speed display range is generally around 136~165, range 29; Break display range is generally around 138~167, range 29. VX3_V1.2 throttle calibration...
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Comparison of Dual FSESC4.20 SMART and Dual FSESC4.20 Plus Dual FSESC4.20 Plus Dual FSESC4.20 SMART Switch function With anti-spark switch function, no smart sliding power on function With anti-spark switch function and smart sliding power on function Appearance Heat...
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Flipsky VX3 has been on selling for one month. First of all, thank all friends for your trust and support for our new product. However, some people might ask: Why the VX3 is so much more expensive than VX2? What...
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