What are the differences between Mini FSESC4.20 and Mini FSESC6.7?

Mini FSESC4.20 Mini FSESC6.7

8~60V(3~12S safety) 14V-60V(4~12S safety)
Max Continuous Current 50A 70A
Instantaneous Current 150A 200A
ERPM 60000ERPM 150000ERPM
Driver DRV8302 DRV8303
Current Sampling Resistor Two 1mR domestic manganese copper resistors Three 0.5mR imported manganese copper resistors
Mosfet  Six TPH3R506PL Six NTMFS5C612NL
Size 67*39*18.3(mm) 67*39*18.7(mm)
Heat Sink Thickness 9mm 10mm


1.Voltage range

Mini FSESC4.20:8V-60V (3S to 13S LiPo)

Mini FSESC6.7:14V-60V (4S to 12S LiPo)

However, we suggest to use our FSESC under 55V, because the VESC tool is auto-disconnect when you set up to 57V (if you're choosing vesc_default.bin)


Mini FSESC4.20: max current 50A, peak current 150A

Mini FSESC6.7: max current 70A, peak current 200A

This is the main big spec difference between them. so if you're not using so much higher current, V4 is a good option due to it's far more cheaper than V6.


Power = voltage * current

Mini FSESC4.20 power: 50A*60V=3000W

Mini FSESC6.7 power: 70A*60V=4200W

4.Speed limit:

Rotation speed (ERPM) = motor speed (RPM) * motor pole pairs

The limit speed of Mini FSESC4.20 : 60000 ERPM

The limit speed of Mini FSESC6.7 : 150000 ERPM

5.Current Sampling Resistor:


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