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Items: Flipsky 75100 75V 100A Single ESC Throttle Accelerator Bar Brake Handle Simple forward / reverse switch (for demonstration purposes) Adapter wire (for GND connection) GND wire*2pcs ADC mode Reverse and Cruise Mode wiring diagram: 1. After the motor FOC settings,...
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Flipsky 75 series escs with water cooling enclosures have been built with water-cooling function. Water flowing through water pipes to achieve better heat dissipation effect by connecting water pumps and the ESC. In this blog, we will show How to do Water Cooling...
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Since September 2021, in order to fulfill customers' needs of high-voltage ESCs, we have developed and launched FSESC 75100 FOC (75100 Regular Version) based on 75300_R2, which has been loved and widely used in ebike and escooter DIY fields. Based on...
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There are many components and parts we have to choose when we decide to start an electric skateboard DIY. One of the most exciting parts to talk about is the motor such as how fast they go, how big they are and...
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Hello everyone and welcome to this guide on how to choose your TRUCK. Before we choose a suitable Truck, Let's take a quick look at the parts of Trucks.We'll discuss how to choose a Truck that's right for you in terms of Trucks type, size and construction.
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