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Wiring diagram: Remove some capacitors and resistors as below: 1.Remove the hall sensor 10nF filter capacitor on H1(A),H2(B),H3(C) 2.Replace the 2.2KΩ resistors to be 0Ω resistors on the H1 (A), H2 (B),and H3 (C) Wiring: Connect the FSESC75450(75350) with the...
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Mini V6.7 Pro Mini V6 MK5 Hardware Version VESC 6.4 VESC_6_MK5 Firmware Version 60 60_MK5 Phase Filter N/A Yes Switch N/A Yes Shutdown Mode N/A Yes Current Continous:70A; Max:200A Continous:70A; Max:200A Voltage Range 14-60V (4-12 S safe) 14-60V (4-12...
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Please kindly note that the firmware of our remote controller VX3 has been updated to V1.7. If your guys need to purchase the receivers only for backups or afterservices, please check the firmware version to make sure the compatibility of the receiver and remote. Here...
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The blog posted by Flipsky Tech with @Burnerz_crew shows how to set up the IMU with your VESC for Onewheel IMU module connects to COMM: VESC Tool firmware 5.3 Wiring diagram: Parameters settings: Open the VESC tool Select App setting / General from the left side menu Set...
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With the launching of FSESC75100 pro V2.0 and FSESC75200 pro V2.0, some customers are confused of the features of these escs. Here below the details FYI. 75100(75V 100A) 75100 with Alu.Case 75100 Pro 75100 V2.0 75100 pro V2.0 Firmware 5.02 5.02 5.02 5.02...
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