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Wiring diagram: Remove some capacitors and resistors as below: 1.Remove the hall sensor 10nF filter capacitor on H1(A),H2(B),H3(C) 2.Replace the 2.2KΩ resistors to be 0Ω resistors on the H1 (A), H2 (B),and H3 (C) Wiring: Connect the FSESC75450(75350) with the...
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Mini V6.7 Pro Mini V6 MK5 Hardware Version VESC 6.4 VESC_6_MK5 Firmware Version 60 60_MK5 Phase Filter N/A Yes Switch N/A Yes Shutdown Mode N/A Yes Current Continous:70A; Max:200A Continous:70A; Max:200A Voltage Range 14-60V (4-12 S safe) 14-60V (4-12...
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V4 series V6 series V75 series Voltage 8~60V (3~12S safety) 14V-60V (4~12S safety) 14V-84V (4-20S safety) VESC Firmware VESC 410&411&412 VESC 60 VESC 75_300_R2 ERPM 60000 150000 150000 Current Sampling Resistor Two 1mR domestic manganese copper resistors Three 0.5mR imported manganese copper...
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This time we will use VESC firmware 6.02 to set the parameters for FSESC 75200 Pro which is built with bluetooth module and TFT Screen for E-scooter. Items: FSESC 75200 Pro with Alu. PCB - Screen Ver2 with GPS -
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If you want to use Flipsky products for machines running like grinder, cutting machine etc., please don't miss this blog tutorial. We will show you the way of running the motor with the self-locking switch or toggle switch. Items: · ESC -...
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