Tips for Remote VX4 UART Control Mode

After finishing the motor FOC settings, the remote VX4 cannot drive the motor after plugging the receiver in escs (based on vesc) UART COMM port. What should do? Here the tips FYI.
1. Please check the remote receiver. Do not plug in the receiver when do motor settings. Also, please connect with the esc connector after powering on the remote and entering into pairing interface, the display screen blinking. And then plug the receiver, the remote and receiver will pair. Check if pair successfully and the receiver with solid blue led.
2. Make sure the vesc_tool "App to use" is UART; control type is not "OFF"

3. Please check if you have the correct esc type. Remote ESC Type "FSESC" please, which is based on vesc.

4. Remote Control Type "UART", please.
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