Affiliate Program Introduction ! Join in Now!

Earn rewards for inviting your friends to enjoy the fun of DIY
It's free and easy to join. Get up and running from now on.
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This is Win-Win Plan ! Recommend the products to your friend, if he/she buy it from your unique link. He/she will get discount, and you will get up to 10% commission.
Spread the world by sharing your link through blog posts, articles, emails, Facebook posts and tweets, Instagram and YouTube videos.
Here is an example of what you will earn for each sale:
Products in plan | Retail Price | Price that your friend buy from you | Rewards that you can get |
Dual FSESC6.6 plus based on VESC | 279 USD | 269 USD | 18 USD |
8'' Pneumatic All Terrain Tire Kit with 11'' truck and two 1650W belt motor | 249 USD | 239 USD | 15 USD |
High Current FSESC 200A 60V base on VESC6 | 269 USD | 259 USD | 18USD |
More products in plan, want to see? Please register here, you can get full plan products information. Start it now!
Flipsky owns the right to explain the affiliate program.
Kindly Reminds:
If there is holiday promotion for these products in the web, then your friends can ONLY enjoy web official promotion, exclude this extra discount. But you still have the commission , if he/she buy it from your unique link , just remember to share the latest promotion to your friends.
Best Wishes!
Flipsky Team
^ ^
This is good! I know a few people looking for diy parts!!
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