FSESC6.6 Test Review by Jayme Steffen
Today I received my 2 Flipsky FSESC 6.6 that are essentially vesc 6 with integrated sparkswitch.
They setup just like vesc 6 I downloaded latest Vesc tool plugged them in and started setup.
Firmware and Bootloader were loaded correctly by the factory.
I removed the xt-90 fromnthe board and added a 12awg power cord with xt-90 to mine it was easier than making a harness atm.
I addes 3.5mm bullets to mine.
CAN also works great and hall sensor detection was a brezze.
I paid less for 2 of these(280$) shipped to the U.S than for 1 VESC6 (292$) just the vesc no shipping or handling.
I opted out of the on/off button because my battery has one.
I am very impressed by these.
---- By Jayme Steffen on 2018/July 26th 16:00 pm
Flipsky Kindly Remdinder for the price:
The Price above mentioned is during promotion period ,not daily MSRP.
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